Membership Form 2025 (pdf)
DownloadPresident: Don van Straaten (Diane)
1st Vice President: Mory LaShier (Peggy)
2nd Vice President: Pat Malloy (Felicia)
Secretary: Pat Smith (Dave)
Treasurer: Felicia Malloy (Pat)
Past President: John Sloper (Barbara)
Trustee: Yvette Westmoreland (Glenn)
Trustee: Peggy LaShier (Mory)
Membership: Diane van Straaten
Sunshine: Yvette Westmoreland
Hospitality: Kathy & Tom Miller
Mesa Mainstreamers Delegate: TBA
Webmaster: Don van Straaten
Copper State Festival Chairman: John Sloper
The Board of Directors set the new 2025 Club Dues at $20.00 per person (insurance included). This is $5.00 lower than last year, and it reflects the success of our Club attracting so many great members, and the low Charter Member dues to the Arizona Federated Square Dancers. Our friendly atmosphere, solid Plus dancing and having great Callers and Cuers available keeps us successful. Our Club and Member Insurance is provided by United Square Dancers Association.
ATTENTION: We have an additional URL pointing to MesaCheckmates.com, it is SquareDanceMesa.com
Mesa Checkmates has not had a SUNSHINE Chairperson for many years. We are happy to announce that Yvette Westmoreland, one of our Board Members has volunteered to take on the responsibility of sending Get Well cards to members in need of some Sunshine in their life.
BUT... This only works if you notify Yvette of a Club Member that is ill or hospitalized... So, if you hear of a member that needs some Sunshine from the Club, let her or another Board member know at a dance.
The life blood of any social club is its members and the necessary dues that keep us going. The door entry fees help pay for the facility and our caller and cuer in most cases, but our advertising, refreshment and operating budgets are covered by dues and donations.
Please renew your membership when dues become payable, and if you are not a member, please consider joining Mesa Checkmates to help keep Plus level square dancing available to all of us. Becoming a member has financial benefits for dancers as well as the club, and it by no means requires you to volunteer or “be volunteered” into a club position. We love the help, but it is YOUR choice not ours. No pressure, just have fun dancing with old and new friends.
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